Wednesday 3 July 2013

Brash Move Against Bolivia...

If we pretend  for a moment, that Edward Snowden was but a principal character in a particularly colourful screenplay, and we pitched the Snowden Saga to a Hollywood studio, we would promptly be turned out on our ear, amidst grumbles of 'too fantastical... try Dreamworks...' The whole story gets more bizarre every day and I apologise if am beginning to bore you with my constant ramblings and opinions on the subject, but it constantly twisting and turning, becoming more and more unbelievable on an almost hourly basis.

Today has shown the level of respect several European countries hold for premiers of South America when Portugal, France, Italy and Spain all denied the Bolivian President, Evo Morales, entry to their airspace before grounding his plane in Austria. Morales was kept 'kidnapped' at an airport in Vienna as his plane was searched and all crew and passengers aboard the presidential plane were interviewed to establish their identities after a tip off that Edward Snowden was aboard the plane. Bolivia has condemned the move as 'an act of aggression' and the Bolivian UN Envoy, Sacha Llorenti, has stated "We are already making procedures to denounce this to the UN secretary General." As well they should.

It seems America will stop at nothing to get their hands on the former NSA information analyst, even going so far as to hunt him down from the skies as the U.S. have already admitted that it has spoken with other countries about airspace and Snowden. The easy compliance of the Southern European countries shows just how much power America is wielding, like a madman armed with a shotgun and a fleet of police cars at the front door. Desperate, and ready to try anything to get what they want.

It is surprising though, given that just two days ago information was released that showed the US was spying on computers and bugging rooms in European embassies in Brussels, New York and Washington, as well as other embassies. Now, this is blatant espionage, there is very little information to be gleaned concerning'The War on Terror' from European embassies in America. However, as soon as a crisis arises, the European states are clambering to do the bidding of the U.S. Strange.

South American countries Venezuela and Bolivia are handling the whole situation pretty well. As it becomes ever more apparent that the Latin-American countries seem to be among the few countries in the world that have any scruples having condemned America, backing Snowden publicly with Venezuelan president Nicholas Morales telling journalists that Snowden 'deserves the world's protection' and Bolivian president Evo Morales telling Russian television that 'Bolivia is ready to accept people who disclose espionage if one can call it this way' well as actually considering his asylum application. I genuinely like these countries more now for their actions than their lack thereof.

Interestingly, despite news emerging today that the Ecuadorian embassy in London had been bugged, the South American country are still putting distance between themselves and Snowden with President Rafael Correa calling the safe passage document issued to Snowden which allowed him to leave Hong Kong 'a mistake'. I still have a lot of respect for Ecuador, however if you are going to  put yourself forward as a paragon of righteousness and morality, even granting asylum to Julian Assange, then it's important to follow this through. Look weak or confused and that is when cracks start to appear in your government.

I'm confident Bolivia and Venezuela have the guts to hold their resolve, show their mettle and demonstrate that famous Latin temperament and continue to defend Edward Snowden and even grant asylum. Hopefully President Morales will be a man worthy of his name.


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