Thursday 1 August 2013

Snowed In No Longer; NSA Whistleblower Granted Asylum

Joy unabounded! Russia has unsurprisingly defied American pressure and granted Edward Snowden a year long temporary asylum visa on the proviso that he does not release information which would further antagonise the U.S. 

Despite assurances that, like Bradley Manning, Snowden would not face the death penalty if he was returned to America, Russia still refused to hand the former NSA worker over. More than that, the casual manner in which Russian President Vladamir Putin's foreign policy advisor has said of the situation cunningly undermines the American's reaction to the whistleblower, making them seem as though they are fussing over a storm in a tea cup. Speaking to the world's press, the foreign advisor, Yury Ushakov, called the situation 'rather insignifcant... We know what sort of noise surrounds this (situation) in America". Nicely played Russia.

It's likely that the former Intelligence Analyst will apply for asylum in Nicaragua or Bolivia, or, as is more likely, Venezuela. In early July, the three Latin American countries told the world's media they would consider an asylum request from the whistleblower, making it quite clear they would be happy to take him under their protection. Now that Snowden has freedom of movement within Russia, he will be able to apply for asylum at the embassy of one of these brave countries.  

It is with some amusement that the ever vilified Russia has become the champion for freedom in this situation whilst 'advocate for peace and justice' America, are the hounding dogs. There will be more to this at higher levels I suspect, and we mere mortals cannot know what is happening behind the scenes, however, in this instance I'm just happy the best possible outcome has happened and that today Edward Snowden walks as a free man.

As of yet there has been no response from America in regards to Snowden's change of status however I am confident they will be 'disappointed'. What will happen from here? What will be the whistleblower's future? Who knows really. As ever, we will have to wait and see...


P.S. If you like my blog, follow me on twitter @LoraDeeC.

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