Thursday 19 September 2013

Rebel Attack Causing Chaos in the Philippines

Hi guys! Sorry for going dark on you for the last week, I've just started a new job and wow is it busy! But things have settled down a bit again so I'm back!

In recent years, The Philippines has become a major economic success story and is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. However, in the last 11 days, any economic prowess has been eclipsed as clashes between Philippine forces and Muslim rebels in Zamboanga have left over 100 dead and forced tens of thousands from their homes.

Zamboanga is a large city on the predominantly Muslim Mindanao island, which is the birth place of rebel group the Moro Nationalist Liberation Front (MNLF). Formed in the 1960s, the MNLF is a separatist group who are pushing the government to make the island an independent Muslim state, thus ending Manilia rule. 
200 MNLF rebels sailed into Zamboanga City
bay ten days ago

On September 9th, following peace talks between the government and the MNLF, a faction of the group launched a vicious attack on Zamboanga (ironically known as 'The City of Flowers'). The ransacking of this once vibrant city, as well as the destruction of civilian's homes, has left over 100,000 people displaced since the clashes began, with approximately half seeking shelter in a sports stadium. However, the government have since pledged to rebuild the city, allocating £.8 billion Pesos (around £56 million GBP) to reconstruction of the city. The Philippine President, Benigno Aquino, remains optimistic about the prospect of a positive outcome for the government, and today has been telling Reuters "I don't expect this to take too long" a sentiment which rings true if army reports are correct and there are only around 70 rebels still fighting in the city with the rest either killed or arrested. 

Perhaps the worst aspect of the fighting is the fact that it is not _only_ rebels or _only_ soldiers who are inflicting damage, instead both sides have shown a dangerously careless attitude to civilian lives. After holding over twenty Christians hostage, the MLNF used their captives as human shields against the Philippine army who, bewilderingly, continued to fire; wounding innocent civilians in the process. 

Worryingly, it appears that, to the army and rebels, the ends can justify the means, regardless of how dangerous those means are... 


As always, feel free to add me on Google+ and Twitter @LoradeeC

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